Blackbird and Goose – Instagram Post
We were featured in a ten picture pictures' long Instagram post by the talented couple Olivia and Anton who run the popular account Blackbird and Goose. Anton Wijk is wearing Oxeye Work Trousers, Cropper Linen Shirt and Sweet Pea Tool Belt. All images are © Blackbird and Goose.

Original text
Our polytunnel is churning out cucumbers, from only three plants. Note the very handy dandy holster to carry them in from @lilldal210 (trousers and shirt gifted too) 👌 The pumpkin and zucchini patch is coming along great too. The last picture describes the situation quite well 'we have zucchinis on our mind' 😅 As we are constantly thinking of ways to eat them. Our latest endevour has been drying them to use for soups in winter. Do you have any fave courgette/zucchini recepies?